9 Signs That You Are Not Drinking Enough Water!

All the Signs That You Are Not Drinking Enough Water. The importance of water in our body. Dehydration and the symptoms and signs of dehydration.

9 Warning Signs You Are Not Drinking Enough Water.
9 Signs That You Are Not Drinking Enough Water.
9 Signs You’re Not Drinking Enough Water.

There’s not much in this world more refreshing than a tall, ice-cold glass of water. I don’t think there’s anyone alive that can deny that sometimes, a simple glass of water can be more satisfying than a cup of coffee or a can of soda. Despite this, too many of us don’t drink enough water on a daily basis. By depriving ourselves of the world’s most natural resource, we are continuously damaging our bodies. If you experience any of the following 9 signs, you can improve your situation by starting with a glass of water.

#1, Your urine, is dark yellow.
This is often the first sign, that you are not drinking enough water. Generally, urine should be a light yellow-amber color. When a person does not consume enough water, the kidneys excrete a “higher concentration of waste products in the urine, including dead blood cells, toxins, proteins and other products that need to be removed from the body”, resulting in darker urine.

#2, Your Urine Output is Reduced.
Most people urinate between 6-7 times within a 24-hour period. When you don’t drink enough water, there is less fluid available to replace the fluids being excreted from the body. The kidneys attempt to retain as much fluid as possible to prevent dehydration. If you urinate less than 6 times a day, consider your water intake and increase if necessary.

#3, Constipation.
Dehydration is one of the most common causes of constipation, and constipation can often be resolved by increasing water intake. If you are not fully hydrated, your body will try to absorb water from wherever it can, including your colon. A sufficient amount of water in the large intestine is crucial for soft, easy-to-pass stools. Naturally, a lack of water will lead to harder stools that are difficult to pass.

#4, Dry Skin and Cracked Lips.
Drinking water won’t directly contribute to smooth skin. But evidence does indicate that, plenty of water can help put your best face forward, helping to reduce cell damage over time.

#5, Weight Gain.
Overtime, dehydration can make you gain weight. If you’re dieting, consuming plenty of water, plus other clear liquids, such as broth-based soups or water-filled fruits and vegetables, can help you shed lbs.

#6, Thirst and Dry Mouth.
Believe it or not, feeling thirsty for water is a sign that you are already slightly dehydrated. A dry mouth often occurs with thirst and signifies that the mucus membranes in the body need hydration. The only way to resolve thirst and a dry mouth is to drink water throughout the day.

#7, headache.
when you don’t drink enough water, blood volume drops, reducing the amount of oxygen being carried to the brain. Blood vessels in the brain dilate in response leading to swelling and inflammation, intensifying the headache.

#8, A Weak Immune System.
Bolstering your body against seasonal colds and the flu largely comes down to a healthy diet, regular exercise and good hygiene. Hydration is part of that picture, too. Drink water for better sleep, more energy, and in turn, a stronger defense against infection.

#9, Irritability.
Both men and women can experience irritability, tension and anxiety as a result of dehydration, with women perhaps feeling negative moods more strongly.

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10 Early Cancer Signs & Symptoms That Everyone Ignores!

How to know if you have cancer? Here Are 10 Early Warning Signs And Symptoms Of Cancer Most People Miss. Symptoms Of Cancer You Should Not Ignore.

Cancer can be a devastating disease that comes out of nowhere. Those diagnosed often notice few symptoms, and they feel fine when they’re blindsided with a diagnosis. Signs and symptoms of cancer can be very small and easy to miss.

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10 Important Signs That Your Body Is Very Stressed

How stress affects your body? What Does Stress Do To Your Body? What are the long-term effects of Stress? Here Aare Top 10 Signs of Stress.

Long Term Effects of Stress on Your Body:
The effects of stress on your body and how stress can lead to serious long term diseases such as heart attack, stroke, diabetes, infertility, insomnia, dementia, obesity, weight gain, anxiety, depression, heart disease, cancer and other diseases.

Here Are 10 Important Signs That Your Body Is Very Stressed.

#1, Skin diseases.
Psoriasis, acne, and other skin diseases can be caused by stress.

#2, Changing weight.
Sometimes stress and anxiety cause people to lose weight.

#3, Frequent colds.
Stress causes the production of cortisol, which can suppress inflammation, thus has a higher risk of getting a cold.

Effects of stress on health:

#4, Gastrointestinal disorders.
There is scientific proof that stress can have a negative effect on the gastrointestinal tract.

#5, Difficulties focusing.
People who have been under stress for a long time find it hard to focus on tasks.

#6, Loss of hair.
If you’ve noticed that you have less hair than before, and different vitamins make no positive effect, stress may be a reason.

Effects of stress on the body:
#7, Headaches.
sometimes headaches are caused by emotional stress that you have at work or at home.

#8, Low libido.
An emotionally drained person, someone who is often exposed to stress, usually has quite a low libido.

#9, Problems with sleep.
Stressful situations can be a reason for serious problems with sleep.

#10, Cardiovascular diseases.
Scientists proved that chronic stress is one of the most frequent causes of cardiovascular diseases.

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[WITH SOLUTION] 5 Vitamin Deficiencies That Show Up In Your Face

Vitamin Deficiencies That Show Up On Your Skin. Vitamin Deficiency That Are Literally Written on Your Face.

Learn about the 5 vitamin deficiencies that can show up on your face, from puffy eyes to bleeding gums.

A healthy and balanced diet is the best way, to deliver vitamins and minerals to your body. However, even if you eat well, there’s a good chance you are lacking important nutrients, due to your age and susceptibility to health problems. A blood test will often detect vitamin deficiencies but sometimes there are common deficiencies that can be spotted on your skin, hair, or nails.

Here are 5 Vitamin Deficiencies That Show Up In Your Face [With Healing Solution].

#1, Puffy Eyes.
vitamin deficiency symptoms:
You probably will notice your eyes are puffy after waking up. However, excessive puffiness may indicate a low supply of iodine in the body. A 2000 6 study discovered a connection between iodine intake and thyroid disease — a condition that can lead to fatigue , exhaustion, and puffy eyes, among many others. Other signs of an iodine deficiency include dry skin, weight gain, and brittle nails.

Vitamin Deficiency Treatment:
Healing Foods. Cranberries, yogurt, kelp, potatoes, strawberries, and navy beans.

#2, Pale Skin.
vitamin deficiency symptoms:
A pale complexion can be a sign you need to increase your vitamin B12 intake, according to Medline Plus. A lack of this vitamin can lead the skin to suffer, and promote feelings of fatigue. Another symptom of a deficiency in this vitamin is a completely smooth tongue.

Vitamin Deficiency Treatment:
Healing Foods. Salmon, red meat, fortified cereal, yogurt, and swiss cheese.

#3, Dry Hair.
vitamin deficiency symptoms:
Bad hair days are common, but if yours is due to dryness, this could be an indicator you lack biotin or vitamin B7. Low levels of biotin can lead to brittle nails and thinning hair. High doses of biotin via vitamin supplements can be helpful for improving hair quality, and even the treatment of diabetes.

Vitamin Deficiency Treatment:
Healing foods. Eggs, almonds, nuts, legumes, and whole grains.

#4, Pale Lips.
vitamin deficiency symptoms:
If your lips are pale, this could mean you’re anemic, and need more iron in your diet. Catching more colds can be blamed on low iron levels; plus an iron deficiency can weaken your immune system. In addition, the combination of pale skin and pale lips, are tell-tale signs that you’re anemic.

Vitamin Deficiency Treatment:
Healing Foods. Red meat, seafood, beans, dark green leafy vegetables, iron-fortified cereals, and peas.

#5, Bleeding Gums.
vitamin deficiency symptoms:
It’s normal to see a little blood after flossing, but if you notice your gums are sensitive, and bleed frequently, this could be a sign of low vitamin C. A persistent lack of vitamin C in your diet; can lead to a condition called scurvy. Symptoms of scurvy include; easy bruising, easy bleeding and joint and muscle pains.

Vitamin Deficiency Treatment:
Healing Foods. Oranges, red peppers, kale, brussels sprouts, broccoli, strawberries, and grapefruit.

Identifying Nutritional Deficiencies Through Nails, Skin & Hair
deficiency of vitamins.
5 Vitamin Deficiencies That Show Up in Your Face
5 Signs Of Vitamin Deficiency That Can be Seen On Your Face Instantly.

The symptoms of Vitamin Deficiency may vary. Vitamin Deficiency can cause many more diseases. They are:

Vitamin Deficiency Diseases:
# vitamin deficiency hair loss
# vitamin deficiency bruising
# vitamin deficiency anemia
# vitamin deficiency nails
# vitamin deficiency depression
# vitamin deficiency tongue
# vitamin deficiency anxiety
# vitamin deficiency rash
# vitamin deficiency fatigue
# vitamin deficiency headaches
# vitamin deficiency joint pain
# vitamin deficiency dizziness

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14 Health Benefits of Apple – You Must Know

Top 14 Amazing Health Benefits of Apples. Here are the list of benefitts of apple fruit (Malus pumila or M. pumila).

In this video, you will be able to know about 14 health benefits of Apples. Stay with us.

The health benefits of apples include prevention of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases, heart disorders, stomach disorders, gallstones, constipation, liver disorders, anemia, and diabetes. They also lower your risk of suffering from rheumatism, eye disorders, a variety of cancers, and gout. Apples help in reducing weakness, providing relief from dysentery, and promoting digestion. Finally, they aid in dental and skin care.

Here are the best health benefits of apple, that actually help you in keeping the doctor away.

Apple Fruit Health Benefits:
#1. Apples being rich in fiber, help in the digestive process.
#2. Apples Prevent Cancer. particularly breast, colon and lung cancer.
#3. Apples Improve Intestinal Health.
#4. Apples Treat Anemia.
#5. Apples reduce weakness..
#6. Apples Control Diabetes.
#7. Eating apples helps in cleaning both, the teeth and gums.
#8. Apples Prevent Alzheimer’s & Parkinson’s Diseases.
#9. Apples Treat Respiratory Issues.
#10. Apples Prevent Heart Diseases.
#11. Apples Treat Rheumatism.
#12. Apples Improve Vision.
#13. Apples Promote Weight Loss.
#14. Pastes made of apple and honey, or apple and milk, increases the shine and glow of the skin.

This video will also cover:
benefits of apple for skin.
are apples bad for you?
are apples good for weight loss?
benefits of green apples.
apple fruit information.

Scinentific Name of Apple Fruit:
#Binomial name: Malus pumila
#Family: Rosaceae
#Genus: Malus
#Species: M. pumila
#Kingdom: Plantae

Benefits of Apple:
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Apple Fruit Benefits:
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Diet For Vaginal Atrophy – Natural Treatment

Natural Treatment and Diet For Vaginal Atrophy. How to increase female lubrication naturally?

In this video, you will be able to know about diet for vaginal atrophy. What food o ear for vaginal atrophy?

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Honey – Foods Thats Help You Sleep 01

Can honey help you sleep? How to fall asleep fast? what can help you sleep? How to sleep better ?

In this video, you will be able to know about Honey. An essential natural remedy that will help you sound sleep.

Having trouble falling asleep? Fall asleep faster with honey. A fast-acting and beneficial sleeping solution. Studies have shown that, it can also improve quality of sleep as well.

According to Dr. Ron Fessenden, who’s researched claims that, honey improves sleep quality. Raw honey contains “an ideal ratio of fructose to glucose,” to support the liver, an organ that works non-stop, during the sleeping process.

Here’s more details on, how taking one or two teaspoons of raw honey before bedtime, can help you sleep better.

Honey Promotes Sleep In Two Ways.
#1. Keeps Liver Full.
When one eats dinner at 6:00 pm and goes to bed at 11:00 pm, the body will have utilized up to half of the liver’s supply of glycogen, leaving less than needed for eight hours of rest.

Eating honey before bedtime, re-stocks the liver with glycogen and ensures getting through the night before the brain triggers a crisis search for fuel, which would normally wake you up.

#2. Release of Sleeping Hormone.

Honey facilitates restorative sleep, by contributing to the release of melatonin in the brain.
Melatonin is necessary for restorative sleep. Often called the “wellness hormone,” it helps to enhance immunity, and facilitate the rebuilding of tissues during rest. Not only will it help you fall asleep faster, but it also heals you quicker and revitalizes you for the next day.

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Lifestyle Changes for Treating Vaginal Atrophy

Vaginal atrophy is inflammation, dryness, and thinning of the vaginal walls. The condition is also known as atrophic vaginitis.

In this video, you will be able to learn about several lifestyle changes, that could help people to relieve, the symptoms of vaginal atrophy. Stay with us.

If you are suffering from vaginal atrophy, then these lifesyle changes will surely help you.

Lifestyle Changes for Treating Vaginal Atrophy

#1. Giving up smoking.
Smoking decreases estrogen levels, and increases the risk of developing vaginal atrophy, as well as other conditions.
#2 Staying sexually active.
Sexual activity increases the flow of blood to the genitals, which in turn helps keep them healthy. It is important for a woman, to allow herself enough time to become sexually aroused.
#3. Avoiding perfumed products.
Avoid perfumed products such as powders, soaps, and deodorants. It is important to also note that, certain lubricants and spermicides can irritate the vagina, and cause dryness.
#4. Exercise.
Getting regular exercise and physical activity aids hormone balance.

#5. Keeping well hydrated.
If you get thirsty, you are already dehydrated. Drink more to stay hydrated.

For more videos related to health, skin, hair and other health related issues,

Related Video:
# 6 Natural And Effective Treatments For Vaginal Atrophy

Vaginal Atrophy: What It Is and What You Can Do About It
Natural Solution for Vaginal Atrophy.

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5 Proven Foods as Complexion Perfectors

How do I get a clear complexion? How can I improve my complexion? What foods will make your skin clear?

In this video, you will able to know about foods for clear skin and healthy hair. This list will also cover foods for brighter complexion. This is actually a diet for fair complexion. Vegetables for glowing complexion, Fruits for healthy skin.

People uses makeup and other products on thier skin, to improve their beauty. But they can do it without any artificial things. In this video, you will be able to know how to improve skin complexion fast naturally.

Foods to improve skin complexion.

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What foods to eat to get clear skin?

What food is good for clear skin? What foods to eat for clear skin? Here is a list of foods for clear skin.

In this video, I will describe about the list of food for clear skin complexion. These are glowing skin foods. All foods are natural food for clear skin.

If you want to know about food for healthy skin, then this video will answer your all questions. This is the list of best food for clear skin.

Many people searches on the internet for good food for clear skin, but do not able to find a perfect solution. But these 10 foods will defeinitely solve your problem.

Related Videos:

#1 Clear Skin Diet.

#2 8 Things to Change in Your Diet For Glowing Skin

#3 How To Get Clear Skin Naturally At Home

To get more clear skin tips, healthy skin tips and
skin glowing tips, Please Subscribe https://goo.gl/1bPwJX

#Top 10 List of Foods for Clear Skin:

Blueberries, blackberries, and cranberries are high in antioxidants, and packed with nutrients. Antioxidants are anti-inflammatories, that aid the body to heal itself, while also protecting against further free-radical damage.


Leafy greens, like kale and spinach, are also a terrific way to get some extra antioxidants, for healthy skin cells. They provide the body with vitamins A, which works against dry and flaky skin. Vitamin C, which undoes the sun’s damage to collagen and elastin. And Vitamin E, which helps fight against inflammation.


Doctors have long pointed to probiotics, to address internal ailments, and when it comes to skin, they are still a great solution. Kombucha is a popular way, to get probiotics as well as vitamins and minerals.

Turmeric does wonders for inflammation. Consume it with warm water, to balance your skin’s natural flora, and protect your skin cells against free radicals.


There’s a reason egg cream is the latest Korean beauty trend. Egg yolk nourishes, and soothes the skin, while also providing vitamin A for skin repair.


Selenium, found in Brazil nuts, is another powerful antioxidant, that helps protect the skin from free radicals. Not only that, selenium can help to clear skin, reducing the risk of breakouts and decreasing acne.


Citrus fruits like lemons and grapefruit, are packed with vitamin C, which helps skin’s firmness with collagen support.


Japanese women believe, green tea to be a source of clear, beautiful skin. Some of its many benefits are, helping to slow DNA damage, stopping inflammation, and even protect against sun damage and burns.


Fish boast a long list of benefits to your health, especially for your skin. Cold-water fish like salmon, sardines, and mackerel are packed with essential fatty acids like omega-3s and omega-6s, which aid your skin’s natural oil barrier, combatting dryness and uneven complexions for that glowing boost.


High-quality oils like cold-pressed extra-virgin olive oil are brimming with nutrients that benefit your skin—including essential fatty acids and vitamin E.

What’s your favorite food, for ensuring a clear complexion? Let us know your foods, in the comments!

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